3 Oct 2024

The size of Timeship Relativity

The USS Relativity (NCV-474439-G) is a 29th century Federation Wells-class starship operated by Starfleet. The timeship was commissioned at the University of Copernicus, and was initially under the command of Captain Braxton.

  • The premise for all my deck calculations: a deck is 2.5m + 0.5m for EPS cables, power cables, ... = 3m height for a deck. 
  • My calculations follow a purely mathematical approach. I do not compare bridge modules or disk heights with each other. I always pull in decks based on the rows of windows and then calculate a physically plausible room height.
It's not so easy to see in the Star Trek Voyager episode, but the bridge of the USS Relativity has a large window structure on its ceiling.
image by Eaglemoss Collection

Using the high-resolution depiction of the USS Relativity in Eaglemoss magazine, you can draw the size of the decks in the side view and thus determine the length of the ship.
side view by Eaglemoss Collection

Assuming a deck is 3m high, this gives a length of 263.7m for the USS Relativity.